/* SF State Template style.js * This script will be the default js file to ship with the SF State Template theme. */ (function($) { Drupal.behaviors.drupaldeveloper = { attach: function (context) { // Search box action $('#search-box').submit(function(){ var topSearch = $('input[name=top-search]:checked').attr('value'); var searchString = $('input[name=q]').val(); if (topSearch == 'global') { $("#search-box").attr("action", "http://google.sfsu.edu/gsearch/" + searchString); $("#search-box").attr("method","post"); } else { $("#search-box").attr("action", "/gsearch/" + searchString); $("#search-box").attr("method","post"); } }); // End Search box action $(window).on("load", function() { // Footer position calculation if($('.main-container').length) { $(window).on('load resize', function() { /* Get heights of the elements */ var headerHeight = $('#header').outerHeight(); var siteNameHeight = $('.site-name').outerHeight(); var navHeight = $('.main-nav').outerHeight(); var footerLocalHeight = $('.footer-local').outerHeight(); var footerHeight = $('.footer').outerHeight(); var mainHeight = $(window).height() - headerHeight - siteNameHeight - navHeight - footerLocalHeight - footerHeight; // Set min height for Main div and content area $('.main-container').css({"min-height":mainHeight}); }).trigger('resize'); } // End Footer position calculation }); // If div has page not found component if ($("div").hasClass("pl-component--page-not-found")) { // Then add class screen reader tag to heading 1 $("h1.page-header").addClass("sr-only"); } // End Page Not Found } } })(jQuery);